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UVC LED devices designed to disinfect surfaces

Cleaner Surfaces, Safer Place of Business

TERRAFORM™ integrates Next Level UVC LED Technology that’s cleaner and greener than the harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients typically associated with commercial cleaning. Our UVC LEDs deliver the same 260nm wavelength light needed to kill contaminates, without leaving behind residue or odors. Disinfects in seconds, using less energy. Destroys germs bacteria and mold. Up to 99.9%

Cleaner cleaning. That’s smart.

TERRAFORM™ for Hotels, Apartments, Condos, Office Buildings, Medical Facilities, Food Processing Centers, Manufacturing Locations, Warehouses, Public Restrooms…


UL, NSF, and ANSI compliant for material safety and lead-free compliance.

TERRAFORM™ devices never produce ozone, contain no chlorine, and use zero mercury.
Equipped with motion sensor and delayed timer to prevent human exposure.
Includes Operator Safety kit (when applicable).

Contact us for a quick and easy quote.


    • High Intensity 260nm UVC LEDs
    • Different models and configurations available
    • Custom design solutions for any application
    • 110v and 220v power configurations
    • Easy, no maintenance
    • 3-year equipment guarantee
    • 5 to 7-year life expectancy (up to 5x longer than mercury lamps)
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